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Submission form
The information you include within this application form will be what is shared on your Artist Profile** and on our media channels. Any work that is shared online will be referenced directly as the Artist's own under your name and/or Artist Identity.
**Not all information provided will be shared online. Key facts and insightful responses will take priority.
Artist Information
Part one
Part Two
Please carefully choose 3 out of 10 of the following questions to answer. These responses will be featured on your Artist Profile if your application is approved. This will allow people to better understand who you are as an artist and the nature of your work.
Part Three
Please upload 5 files of your best work that will be promoted and shown on your Artist Profile and our social media platforms.
Please name each file type in the following format:
Artist Name_Artwork Title_Medium e.g. Frida Kahlo_The Broken Column_Painting
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